airfoil surface中文什么意思

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  1. 3 . the characteristics of boundary layer ' s transition , shape and separation are researched . the details as follows : ( l ) airfoil surface is turbulent boundary layer flows ; ( 2 ) velocity figure changed unsteady near the point of boundary layer separation due to randomicity of turbulent flow ; ( 3 ) the airfoil have better state of boundary layer separation and poor stall characteristics because of the upper surface of airfoil is flat


  1. airfoil sin lattice 什么意思
  2. airfoil slot 什么意思
  3. airfoil sonic point 什么意思
  4. airfoil spoiler 什么意思
  5. airfoil stalling 什么意思
  6. airfoil terminology 什么意思
  7. airfoil theory 什么意思
  8. airfoil thickness 什么意思
  9. airfoil type 什么意思
  10. airfoil vortex system 什么意思


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